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mundaring clinical psychology perth

Russell- Smith & Co

Offering individual therapy  -  Group programs - Specialist school support - Comprehensive cognitive and educational testing

Previously Mundaring Clinical Psychology

Russell-Smith and Co is a warm and friendly multidisciplinary centre in the Perth hills.  We currently offer the following:

Psychology (individual and group sessions)
Dietitian support
Learning and school/study support
Literacy intervention

ADHD, cognitive and learning assessments (for existing clients of the practice only)

We are a group of professionals who have come together to support kids, teenagers and adults across key areas of life and functioning.  We are passionate about working together with our clients to help solve or manage issues they may be facing at home, school or work.


Our specialist school support provides students with access to hands-on learning and emotional support as they navigate school challenges they are facing.  These challenges frequently include:

- Anxiety or other mental health or developmental challenges impacting school

- School attendance issues

- Learning challenges

-Completing their schooling online but need face-to-face teaching support

- ADHD-related challenges


School support is available at our Mt Helena practice or we offer school visits to the Perth hills region.

We are here to help.
How can we help?

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Our Group Programs

In our group sessions with their peers, we recreate safe spaces for teens and primary school children where they can share their experiences, learn coping and social skills needed to interact with their peers, engage in their learning, and enjoy school.  

anxiety in teens group therapy with perth psychologist


Support for middle school teens 

social skills for children support from child psychologist perth


Social skills group for Years 1-6

anxiety in teens group therapy with perth psychologist
"It;s not what we have, but who we have"
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